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ISBN: 0072257024

Pages: 340

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Topic: Web Marketing

Rating: 4 out of 5 – (4 out of 5)

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Winning Results with Google Adwords covers everything there is to know (just about) about Google Adwords. If you are an advertiser who uses or is thinking of using Google Adwords then you should read one of the Google Adwords books on the market in order to make sure you know everything about using the Adwords interface.

Winning Results with Google Adwords begins with providing a complete history of how Google entered the advertising market. Winning Results with Google Adwords then continues by discussing the basics of the adwords interface, and then onto selecting your keywords, using your keywords with broad and specific matching and bidding on the keywords.

There is also a useful chapter on ‘Writing Winning Ads’ which takes you through the 6 golden rules of writing better adwords copy, including matching the user’s query as close as possible and filtering out inappropriate prospects.

Another great chapter is ‘Increasing Conversion Rates’ which covers improving your landing pages, split testing of ads and ensuring keywords from your ads are on your landing pages.

Towards the end of the book is a chapter called ‘Tracking users afer they click’, this is a very important aspect of any online advertising medium as to improve your keywords and conversion you need to know which keywords users used to find your ad and how many clicks convert. The chapter takes you through using tracking software and what statistics to look for.

Winning Results with Google Adwords is a very complete view of Google Adwords and it will teach you everything you need to know in order to get the best results from your advertising spend. This edition of Winning Results with Google Adwords was published in 2005 and is still very up to date. Winning Results with Google Adwords was a lengthy read and there is a lot of full pages of text.

Winning Results with Google Adwords Book Review