This can be accomplished using the tag. Contact Info Extra Details You can also add CSS rules to the fieldset and legend items such as margin-bottom, borders, fonts and padding.
How to change the background colour of a text field in a form
If you want to change the colour of the field the user has the cursor in, then use the following CSS: Input:focus, textarea:focus { background: #eee }
Making popups via DHTML
You can easily simulate a popup window using DHTML together with div and span tags. Start off by hiding the div area then use javascript to unhide the div tag when required. rollover here This is only visible if your
Skipping navigation and skip to content
Place the following at the top of your html page: Skip to content This way a screen reader will jump reading all your navigation and will just skip this and read your main content. It’s also important to hide this
How can I place a drop shadow effect behind an image
Place the image element inside a div element with the class attribute set to imgholder Set the alignment to the left so that text wraps around the image. Now set the background image of the drop shadow in two background
Stop people stealing my web page images
Stopping people stealing your images Use a single pixel transparent GIF as a place marker then wrap a div element around the img tag. alt=””> Then bring the image into the web page by using the background-property and making sure
How to colour your web page scrollbars
Changing the scrollbar properties are not part of the W3C standard, but some browsers support them. Use the following CSS settings: Scrollbar-face-color Scrollbar-shadow-color Scrollbar-highlight-color Scrollbar-3dlight-color Scrollbar-darkshadow-color Scrollbar-track-color Scrollbar-arrow-color You can use these settings for the main window scrollbar, textareas, framesets,
Place dividers between html list items using CSS
Use the border property to create a visual divider. li { border-top: 1px solid black; padding: .3em 0; } Then apply a border to the bottom of the ul element to create the bottom border ul { margin-left: 40px; padding-left:
Create CSS collapsible menus
You want to hide links in menus and then show them when they are clicked. Start by setting up the lists Links OracleHome Then create a css rule to prevent the second set of links from displaying when the page
Create a submit button that looks like an HMTL link
How to create a submit button that looks like an html text link. Then apply CSS properties to strip away the submits button borders and background color .submit { border:none; background-color: #fff; padding: 0; margin: 0; width: 5em; } Then