Install, Configure, and Maintain a High Performance Enterprise Grid Control Environment

ISBN: 0071492755

Pages: 768

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Topic: Oracle

Rating: 4 out of 5 – (4 out of 5)

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If you are going to be installing an Oracle Grid computing infrastructure then you may need a book to read first to understand what you are up against. Oracle Press have released this Grid Control Implementation Guide to help you deploy a dynamic Grid Control environment as well as administer it, fine tune it and back it up.

This massive 750 page book is split into two parts with 17 chapters and 9 appendixes. But funnily enough the appendixes are actually not in the book, but you have to go online to find them.

The first part is about installing the Grid Control whilst the second part is all about how to configure and maintain the Grid Control.

The book begins by explaining what Grid Control actually is and what the main components of it are. You are then taken through pre-installation steps such as how to set up host name restrictions and to make sure you have the correct hardware and software requirements.

Chapter 3 of this part takes you through the installation of Grid Control and what parameters to set and whether you want to set it up using a new database or on a current one. The following chapter goes through post installation, such as patching Grid Control and setting up the Oracle Management Repository Configuration.

The book then describes Standalone Management Agents, how to install them, either via Agent Deploy or locally and post installation steps. There is then information on installing Grid Control Clients and details on the EM Login and Component Control.

The second part of the book is entitled “Configure and Maintain Grid Control”, this part instructs you on how to set up administrators, configure notifications, enable patching features, configure target monitoring, configure group and service monitoring as well as tune metrics and policies.

There are then a couple of chapters on backing up and recovering Grid Control and how to secure Grid Control Data Transfer over HTTPS. The final chapter is about maintaining and tuning Grid Control.

This Grid Control Implementation Guide is very concise and seems to cover everything you ever needed to know about Oracle 10G Grid Control. There are a lot of screenshots as well as a lot of text to read through, although this book will make a good reference book as well.

Oracle Grid Control Implementation Guide Book Review