The attached code will list the owner, table, columns containing trailing spaces. This is good for data cleanup (used a lot in data warehousing). You can switch it easily to see the ones with leading spaces. set linesize 300 drop table t_trailing; create table t_trailing (owner varchar2(30) ,table_name varchar2(30) ,column_name varchar2(30) ) storage(initial 64K next 64K pctincrease 0) pctfree 0 pctused 80; spool c:\clients\pg\trailing_char_check.sql -- create the insert statements select 'insert into t_trailing'||chr(10)|| 'select '''||owner||''' owner,'''||table_name||''' table_name,'''|| column_name||''' column_name from '||owner||'.'||table_name||chr(10)|| 'where substr('||column_name||',-1,1) = '' '' and rownum =1;' from dba_tab_columns where owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and data_type = 'CHAR' and data_length > 1; spool off -- run the insert statements @c:\clients\pg\trailing_char_check.sql -- see the results break on owner skip 1 on table_name spool c:\clients\pg\columns_with_trailing_blanks.lst select owner,table_name,column_Name from t_trailing order by owner,table_name; spool off drop table t_trailing;